Edge Network Computing


Combining hardware and SaaS-based network analysis software into one package

Productos Destacados

  • M2-Edge-Router & be.Analyzer licence for 1 year
  • Visualisation of network traffic at a glance
  • Pre-built dashboards show instant results
  • WAN connection via copper and fibre up to 2.5 GB/s
  • Workshops for commissioning the M2.XDR included


M2.XDR is a powerful analysis tool for near real-time and past network communications. M2.XDR offers all degrees of freedom to analyse and display network traffic. Pre-configured dashboards bring instant visibility. Combining hardware and SaaS-based network communication analysis software into one powerful package. Easy to set up, cloud-based and secure.

Ventajas Competitivas

Unbeatable price-performance ratio

High-performance hardware, M2, in combination with a one-year operation of the SaaS application be.Analyzer.

Traffic data analysis for SMEs

Display of current and historical connection data to services from the cloud (e.g. Office365, Azure, Google etc..). Anomaly detection.

Perfomant hardware

Up to 2.5 GB/s The M2 can be integrated into WAN structures. 4 GB/S Ethernet ports enable a fast connection to the LAN.

Intuitive user interface

Secure, web-based Flow Analytics portal show all necessary information on the generated connection data with just a few mouse clicks.


When IT is moved to the cloud as a service, many companies lose track of their network infrastructure and its communication with the internet. Which service uses which bandwidth? Which service is used the most? Why is this service so slow? The package of M2 and be.Analyzer provides the answers to these questions. M2.XDR improves network performance and helps fight malware, monitors user behaviour and controls connected OT networks. M2.XDR is a powerful analysis tool for near real-time and past network communications. M2.XDR offers all degrees of freedom to analyse network traffic and display it. Pre-configured dashboards bring instant visibility.


Características Clave

High-performance M2-Edge-Router

Packet processing acceleration provides up to 2 Gbps of bundled IMIX performance for high-speed scenarios.


Preconfigured dashboards for the standard displays.

Hardware encryption

Optional high-performance CPU with hardware encryption with bundled encrypted performance of over 1 Gbit/s.

Advanced services

The M2 application software includes all the advanced features needed in corporate networks and by network operators and is ready for professional purposes as well as for demanding scenarios.

Flow Analysis Tool - SaaS based

No on-site installation, no client necessary.


Review of 10 days inclusive possible

Integrated 4 x GE switch

The built-in switch is ideal for small offices as it eliminates the need for external switches, reducing costs and bypassing trouble spots. GE, duplex and self-negotiable ports.

Easy deployment: Low complexity in operation

The M2 is the more flexible and affordable edge model with simple network provisioning (ZTP) and ready for cloud services.

¿Quieres saber más?

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Network traffic analysis

When IT is moved to the cloud as a service, many companies lose track of their network infrastructure. Analysing network traffic with be.Analyzer puts users back in control and makes their strategic decisions easier.

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