A fundamental feature of wireless (duplex) bidirectional communication systems is the way to separate the transmitted and received signals. We almost always find that the standard either establishes alternating them in time intervals, with the device quickly switching between transmission and reception, or transmitting them in different frequency bands and separating them by means of...
ATM Security
Banks are currently one of the primary targets of criminals; quick access to cash or personal bank account information is a juicy haul. Automated teller machines (ATMs) are a security weak point and while bank-located machines usually have cameras and other security measures in place, off-site ATMs installed independently don’t have the same kind of infrastructure. There are plenty of articles...
Wireless LAN – correctly installed in companies
By now wireless LAN is not just a "nice to have“ gimmick anymore but an essential part of IT in companies. Depending on the industry or sector, the availability of a wireless LAN network is now often integrated as part of the workflows, besides the usual office applications. Availability and security of the wireless LAN for these applications rank among business-critical parts of the...