Choosing an SD-WAN Solution Model: Cloud vs On-Premise

Choosing an SD-WAN Solution Model: Cloud vs On-Premise

Large and medium-sized companies have been implementing SD-WAN solutions for some years now, and recent studies confirm that the SD-WAN market is still booming. According to a report by the IDC, the market will grow by about 19% annually until 2025. There are several reasons why companies might choose to implement an SD-WAN solution, with the following being the most relevant: Optimize network...

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SD-WAN advantages compared to VPN

SD-WAN advantages compared to VPN

In the past year, COVID-19 has forced many companies to accelerate their digitalization process. Employees have had to perform their duties from remote locations (mainly from home) in places that, up until now, were outside the corporate perimeter. This has posed a great many challenges because of the multiple types of existing lines and connections (xDSL, FTTH, 4G…), which, in addition, being...

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Optimized user experience

Optimized user experience

We’re still in the midst of digesting what could be termed the “first decade of cloud”, and yet it is already evoking the relentless – though, at the same time, typical of our natural condition as human beings – need to unveil the next “technological futurism” that awaits us: what’s next? Although it is only relatively recently that we have settled into this young and “digitally transformed” era...

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Developing cloud service solutions:  Part 1

Developing cloud service solutions: Part 1

As of today, the solutions offered in business platforms are based on the development and exploitation of scalability features and cost-saving actions by means of platform virtualization using effective technologies designed to modularize their components. It may sound ironic, but the cloud concept is dominated by the desire to centralize services that are part of the decentralized worldwide...

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2.0 Onboard Communications

2.0 Onboard Communications

Traditionally, the greatest limitations imposed on the field of onboard communications were directly related to the capacity of cellular networks; lack of coverage, insufficient bandwidth, etc. Fortunately, over the last few years, these drawbacks have been overcome and, through the use of state-of-the-art cellular technology, mobile broadband is now available.   The latest onboard...

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