Businesses of all sizes are under steady pressure to reduce their power consumption – not just to mitigate rising energy costs, but also to meet green legislation requirements. Besides, stakeholders like investors, employees and customers increasingly judge a company by its ‘greenness’ as well as its profitability. However, gas and electricity meters can help business owners to meet these...
Improving Efficiencies Through PLC PRIME Communications Gateway
Traditional PLC-based smart metering solutions require the installation of PLC data concentrators in remote and unattended second tier substations. PLC Data concentrators handle communications with the different smart meters installed at consumer premises, consolidate the metering data and send it to the AMI management systems. This option involves storing confidential metering data belonging to...
Smart Grid, Efficient and dynamic deployment
We were present, as a sponsor, at the European Utility Telecom Conference (EUTC) in Dublin. There we had the opportunity to further experience the most commonly used Smart Grid technologies and how these optimized both deployment and maintenance costs, by adapting to certain topologies. There is a multitude of smart technologies for data transmission communication networks in and around cities. ...