Telecommunications in industrial automation

Telecommunications in industrial automation

Industry is currently undergoing a significant transformation due to the increasing adoption of automation. Ongoing technological advancements have led to the development of more efficient systems and processes, and the role of communications has been one of the key drivers of this revolution. This article looks at how communications have played a crucial role in industrial automation and how...

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The importance of maintaining high air quality

The importance of maintaining high air quality

The advent of COVID-19 has made us all keenly aware of the critical role of high air quality, with good ventilation to mitigate the risk of infection. Yet the need to avoid this risk was recognized well before the pandemic arose, and will remain just as important even after it eventually recedes. Continuous ventilation control will always be one of any building’s Facilities Management tasks. In...

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Predictive maintenance in elevators via IoT

Predictive maintenance in elevators via IoT

During 2021, the growth of the IoT market has stimulated the creation of new formulas for the application of this technology. Moreover, according to some analysts’ projections, the market could grow to as much as 11 trillion USD by the year 2025. To give you an idea, this figure is roughly equivalent to the combined GDP of Germany, Japan and France. For manufacturers, the constantly-evolving IoT...

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Delivering Profits with the Internet of Things

Delivering Profits with the Internet of Things

Delivery Fleets are at the cutting edge of the “internet of things” – just in time delivery, fast response times for service requests, satisfied customers, improving up-time for customer operations, minimizing rolling inventories, productive fleet maintenance, reducing fuel costs … advanced networking and LTE connectivity now provide dozens of ways to be more efficient, reduce costs, and enhance...

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The 5th Mobile Generation: Research on the Future Internet

The 5th Mobile Generation: Research on the Future Internet

Mobile Internet becomes more and more popular. Whereas mobile Internet has only been used for email checking, it is now used for the same applications as the Internet by cable: surfing the Internet, playing online games, listening to music or streaming videos and films. In addition to this trend there is a further development: The Internet of Things on which more and more devices are connected...

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