I remember when I worked on the first GSM protocol stack as a young software engineer and holding a kind of “prehistoric” heavy TACS analogue mobile phone that was nothing more than a device for making calls. But it worked! And it achieved what it was designed for. At that time, our stack development was based on the Release 96 of the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)...
Fixed Wireless Access – Why 5G-FWA can succeed
In my previous blog post last week on 5G, we saw how Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is considered a cornerstone use case for 5G and a new source of revenue stream for both MNOs and CPEs manufacturers. But if LTE is already capable of reaching extremely high Broadband speed, over the Gigabit data rate, why can 5G succeed where LTE hasn’t reached? Well, the first reason is economic as the Telecom...
Private LTE networks
Up until now, we have talked extensively about 4G and 4G+ (4G Advanced) mobile communications, and even more so about the upcoming 5G networks. However, I would like to take this opportunity to address mobile wireless technologies based on a private LTE network. As its very name indicates, this solution consists of a private LTE network designed for corporate customers that (according to the...
LTE-Advanced PRO lays the basis for 5G
According to forecasts, commercial testing of 5G networks is set to begin in 2020. But, in the meantime, LTE-Advanced PRO already allows you to use technologies that will be included in 5G. LTE-Advanced PRO, also known as 4.5G, is the next evolution of 3 GPP prior to 5G. But it does more than just push LTE capabilities closer to 5G. It also represents an integral part of the 5G mobile network,...
The importance of mobile networks in Central America
In a world where mobile phones play an increasingly significant role in every aspect of our daily lives (whether for work purposes or recreation), mobile networks have to support an enormous amount of traffic to provide good service. Given its peculiarities, Central America is one of those areas where these networks are far more vital than in Europe or the USA. While countries in Central America...
Voice over LTE
You may not have heard of voice over LTE (VoLTE) technology, but that does not mean you are not using it! Carriers around the world are deploying this technology to get rid of GSM or CDMA-based circuit networks. The first commercial solution was presented in South Korea in August 2012 and most mobile terminals already support it. The main idea is to use a single network (the packet network),...