Big Data Technologies

Big Data Technologies

Corporations can generate large volumes of data through the products and services they offer to their customers. Analyzing these data appropriately can provide very useful information for optimizing and improving the services offered and even generating new products and services. In short, good data analysis can give a corporation clear competitive advantages. However, a problem arises when the...

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Big movements in the sector

Big movements in the sector

As I have done in previous years around this time, I would like to take this opportunity to summarize some of the most important issues we have encountered in 2017. This year is proving to be a very interesting year for the telecommunications sector. First of all, the arrival of IoT and 5G is moving ever closer. Operators are already setting up test zones in some countries/cities with the new 5G...

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Digital transformation and Digital connectivity

Digital transformation and Digital connectivity

A couple of weeks ago, Madrid was the venue for what has been heralded as Europe’s largest digital transformation trade show. Leading multinationals and the smallest of startup companies took the opportunity to showcase their products and services related to this new technological revolution that aims to change the way we live and work… Or maybe not? As usual, everything depends on how you...

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Application visualization and control needs

Application visualization and control needs

Why has visualization of applications over network become such a critical point? Firstly, the move of IT infrastructure to the cloud means our current understanding of level 3 network traffic (IP) is insufficient to characterize applications transmitting over said network: Application servers had fixed, known IP addresses in traditional data centers, whereas IP addressing in cloud is no longer...

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Gartner was right again

Gartner was right again

Three years ago, Gartner predicted that by 2017 CMOs will spend more money on IT than CIOs. And so far it appears that his prediction is on track to come true. The reason is that, although the opposite may seem true, (successful) marketing is all about analyzing the largest possible number of data and variables, which allow you to shape behaviors, reactions, preferences and trends to develop the...

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Customer analysis in traditional commerce

Customer analysis in traditional commerce

For a long time it has been common for online shops to analyze their customers’ and online shop visitors’ behavior in order to optimize the visitors’ shopping experience and to measure marketing activities. However, what possibilities does traditional commerce have? Currently there are different technologies which compete with each other. Already integrated RFID chips on shopping trolleys can...

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