Emerging Low Power Technologies

Emerging Low Power Technologies

To support the further growth and development of the Internet of Things (IoT) the mobile industry is developing and standardising a new class of GSM technologies focused on IoT, which is called Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks. These technologies enable the new IoT services to expand and be more competitive and hence that is why it has the following advantages. Long battery life. Low power...

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5G: How it will change our lives

5G: How it will change our lives

The advent of 5G technology signifies the start of an even more globally connected society, a completely digital society. This technology, expected to be implemented in 2020, will change the way we interact with each other and objects, allowing us to be permanently connected, both to other people, and to everyday objects like the refrigerator or car.The Internet of things boom is imminent, and...

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The near future of Wireless technology : Wi-Fi 802.11ax

The near future of Wireless technology : Wi-Fi 802.11ax

Each time we download an application, browse the Internet, read an email or watch something on YouTube on our smartphones, we’re using some type of wireless technology. For mobile networks this means 3G or 4G LTE. However, when it comes to our home or work environment, we’re probably using Wi-Fi. From 802.11a, endorsed in the 90s (reaching speeds of up to 54 Mbps over 5 GHz radio waves) to the...

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The role communications play in transport and the custody of securities

The role communications play in transport and the custody of securities

Despite the potential symbiosis between transport in armored cars and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), two factors have prevented both sectors from making the most of the opportunities available. The first has to do with the limited bandwidth cellular technologies offered up until recently; the second with the lack of integration and interoperability of existing services (GPS,...

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What is LTE Advanced?

What is LTE Advanced?

What we commonly call 4G+ is really LTE Advanced, a standard based on the 3GPP Release 10 norm, passed in March 2011. It is, basically, a number of improvements that enhance the LTE (Long Term Evolution) standard stemming from the 3GPP Release 9 norm. The main goal of the LTE Advanced standard is to improve LTE and broaden its capacity. That is, to guarantee a higher number of simultaneous users...

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LTE, new Connectivity Scenarios for businesses

LTE, new Connectivity Scenarios for businesses

In 2000 the GPRS technology was introduced. It offered the true possibility of transmitting data through 2G cellular networks, by adapting a circuit-switched network, designed to transmit voice, to a packet-based network. Almost a decade and a half ago, the common speed you were able to reach was 40 kbps on the downstream (from the network to the mobile terminal) and 14 kbps on the upstream...

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