Teldat Group
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Quality Management, Environment & CSR
Teldat is geared towards quality and environment
At TELDAT we are very aware that the quality of all products and services is reflected in both design and manufacture (as regards a product) or execution (in the case of services) as well as close teamwork and communication between the departments making up the company.
Teldat, as a company that both designs and supplies data transmission and access and voice and image devices, with the aim of ensuring efficiency in their actions and activities, to satisfy their customers’ needs and to improve their products and services, commit themselves to establishing, maintaining and continually improving their Environment and Quality Management System thus contributing to the conservation of natural resources and sustainable development.
All of it in accordance with the overall goal of ensuring the utmost respect for the environment, which means, among other things, using low-toxicity components, consuming natural resources efficiently and implementing a good waste management strategy, especially when it comes to hazardous materials.
Teldat’s potential lies in their highly qualified and experienced team, projects that are continually being updated, the availability of technology and design systems, advanced development and technical know-how and control mechanisms which allow them to guarantee the quality of their products.
Teldat’s commitment to this Policy entails putting into practice the necessary steps to ensure this is familiar, understood and implemented within the Organization.
To this end, Teldat is committed to:
- To comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements and any other obligations the organization subscribes to, that are applicable to Teldat’s activities involving those procedures to protect the environment as well as complying with the specifications laid down in the UNE-EN ISO-9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO-14001:2015 norms.
- Maximize and integrate Quality in all their activities and to consistently improve the efficiency of the Environment and Quality Management System to the mutual benefit and satisfaction of their clients.
- To provide a framework to establish and review the aims of the Environment and Quality Management System.
- To promote internal communications and self- evaluation for continual improvement.
- To regularly reassess the Environment and Quality Policy by setting and reviewing objectives with the aim of improving, attaining and maintaining the levels of awareness and comprehension both internally and for those people who work with Teldat.
- To take into account environmental aspects in all Teldat’s processes and activities, continually analyzing and improving the relevant processes together with rational use of resources and to prevent and minimize adverse impacts on the environment.
- To train and maintain their personal informed on all aspects related to the conservation of the environment and sustainable development.
- Identify environmental impacts derived by activities, products and services, apply the appropriate prevention measures and constantly improve them and prevent pollution.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
The Teldat Management has the responsibility of formulating the company strategy and the general policy lines, elaborating programs and setting goals so all the activity included in the social policy is met and in particular they must approve, among other things, the Social Responsibility Policies.
Teldat’s contribution to sustainable development is implemented through the principles and practices of social responsibility to meet the needs and expectations of its stakeholder groups.
Faithful to the corporate objective of creating wealth and welfare for society, Teldat adopts responsible business ethics, which are structured on the following principles.
Rigorously comply with the laws in force in the countries Teldat operates in.
Respect human rights and, in particular, those that when they are not complied with degrades and violates the workforce, fully rejecting the use of child labor and forced or obligated workers.
Develop a favorable framework for labor relations based on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for diversity, promoting a safe and healthy environment and facilitating communication with the workforce.
To promote and strengthen a culture of respect for the environment, reducing the environmental impact of the Company’s activities, defending biodiversity and providing and encouraging information and training in this sphere.
Promote free market transparency and rules, rejecting bribery, corruption or other type of contribution in order to obtain advantages in business, respecting the rules of free competition.
Tres Cantos, January 2024
Antonio García Romero – CEO
Quality Certificate
From the formal implantation of our Quality Management System in 1998 complying with the ISO9001:1994 Standard, Teldat has grown and progressed considerably improving their efficiency and orientating all their processes to one end; to satisfy all their customer needs.
As a result of this effort, Teldat, in February 2018, was awarded the AENOR Quality certification complying with the UNE-EN ISO9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standards.
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