Environmental Performance

Environmental Performance


Teldat specializes in the design and supply of access and transmission devices for data, voice and image, and takes responsibility for the reduction of the impact of its business activities on the environment. Responsibility towards the environment is considered a fundamental aspect within the company’s business strategy and contribution towards the conservation of natural resources for sustainable development.

With the aim of fulfilling our goal of maximum respect for the environment, Teldat has carried out a number of awareness activities over the last few years. In 2009, an Environmental Management system was set up under the EN-ISO 14001:2004 standard and recently updated to meet the new 2015 version. This latest version has led Teldat to apply risk-based thinking and life-cycle approach to all its products in the context of the organization.

In addition, Teldat is keen to involve their suppliers in the its aim to protect the environment and have provided them with the compliance requirements needed in order to supply products and/or services to the company.

The following information is available to all interested parties: Teldat’s environmental performance and behavior, on the efforts taken to contribute to sustainable development while reaffirming its commitment to the continual improvement of its Environmental Management System.

Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat

Integrated Management System

The Environmental Management system set up by Teldat fully complies with the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard, which with its Quality Management System in conformity with the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 norm, make up part of the company’s Integrated Management System. Said system is certified by AENOR (Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación – organization responsible for developing the regulations regarding standardization in Spain) and the scope of both certificates can be seen by visiting Teldat’s corporate web or directly from the certifying body’s webpage (AENOR).

The Teldat Integrated Management System, generally, and the Environmental Management System in particular, is fully documented (as shown below):

Quality and Environmental Management Policy: this covers Teldat’s commitment to the protection, respect and conservation of the environment. This is based in the legal fulfilments and continual improvement towards environmental performance and provides the framework for setting the annual environmental objectives.
Environmental Management and Quality Manual: this document describes the scope of Teldat’s Environmental and Quality System, the functional organization of the company and the process making up the System, constituting the reference point for the implementation and maintenance of said System.
Environmental procedures and Control Registers: documents that describe the operational development and the registers, which document the identification and evaluation of the environmental aspects and operational control.
Environmental Objectives: objectives planned based on some aspects of Teldat’s activities, which are identified as having the most significant environmental impact. These describe the actions, resources, responsabilities and the criteria of measurements and follow up.
Actions to address the Risks and Opportunities: associated to Teldat’s environmental performance, taking into account the company’s activities and processes in an environmental context.

Environmental Policy

Teldat’s contribution to the preservation of natural resources and sustainable development, has defined and set up an Environmental Policy. This policy is published on Teldat’s corporate web and can be viewed by all interested parties.

Teldat’s Environmental Management and Quality Policy faithfully represents the environmental behavior of the company and appropriate to the aims and context of our organization. Furthermore, it includes our commitment to the protection of the environment and the reduction of contamination.

Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat


  • Environmental aspect: the elements of activities, products or services by an organization that may interact with the environment.
  • Direct environmental aspect: aspect associated to the activities, products and services by an organization, over which Teldat executes direct control.
  • Indirect environmental aspect: aspect associated to activities, products and services by an organization, over which Teldat cannot execute direct management control but can influence to a reasonable degree.
  • Environmental impact: any change in the environment, either adverse or beneficial, as a total or partial result of an organization’s environmental aspects.

Environmental Aspects

Teldat is aware that in order to improve the company’s environmental performance, it needs to identify the main environmental aspects and impacts and implement follow ups and control. By regularly evaluating our environmental performance and analyzing the results, we can define actions to control environmental aspects resulting from our activities and remain fully committed to our Environmental Policy. 

Teldat identifies the environmental aspects associated with its activities and services on an annual basis, differentiating between:

  • Direct: those directly associated to Teldat activities
  • Indirect: those associated to the activities of our suppliers and subcontractors

We also identify with environmental aspects associated to possible emergency situations.

Once all the aspects have been identified, Teldat evaluates its environmental performance to determine which have been the most significant.

The most significant may lead to the establishment of measurements or actions and become environmental objectives, with the aim of reducing environmental impacts caused by them.

All environmental aspects, significant or not, are subject to control and follow ups: this is known as operational control. We have also established monitoring indicators for certain environmental aspects.

To control and manage the indirect aspects of environmental issues, we have set up practices to effect their management (insofar as we are able) such as Environmental Requisites, applied to our suppliers and subcontractors. They are issued with information on our homologation processes, which they must comply with while performing their business activities.

To prevent the generation of aspects associated to emergency situations, we have defined an emergency action plan and periodically perform emergency drills to train and raise awareness in our employees. These practices ensure we have the necessary means (technical and human) to act in such events.

Environmental Performance

The following tables present environmental aspects associated to Teldat’s business activities. Operational control is carried out over all of them (as set out in our procedures) to minimize any associated environmental impacts.

The first table shows a list of direct environmental aspects, the associated environmental impact and the progress made over the last three years.

Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat

(*)Significant result in the last evaluation performed

The following two tables show the list of indirect environmental aspects and those associated to possible emergency situations, the environmental impact associated to each and, after the last evaluation (2021), if they have been significant:

Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat
Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat

Our final table shows the trend of the indicators we have established to control and monitor the main environmental aspects:

Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions require special mention, since they have significant associated environmental impacts and are highly dependent on the external sources of energy used.

The following table shows the latest GHG emissions measurement:

Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat
Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat

Environmental Objectives

Because of our yearly environmental performance evaluation and in compliance with our commitment to further improvement, we annually establish new objectives to control environmental aspects affected by our activities and so further reduce impact.

The environmental objectives set out for 2022 are as follows:

Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat
Quality Management Environment Corporate Social Responsibility teldat

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