Industrial & IoT

Imber Smart

Mid-range industrial router

Product Highlights

  • Dual SIM LTE
  • SCADA (Modbus, IEC-101/102, IEC-104 gateway)
  • WiFi IEEE 802.11b/g/n: AP or Client
  • GPS (optional)
  • Reduced size: 106 x 106 x 40 mm
  • Temp. extended range: -40Cยบ to +75Cยบ
  • Easy to use and easy maintenance


Imber Series is the new Teldat's communications platform focused on providing WLAN connectivity for Smart City, and Industrial environments. With features that are especially important for this sector such as robustness, extended temperature range, connectivity via serial, digital port or ethernet interfaces which includes all the specific communication protocols.

Competitive Advantages

Multiple interfaces

Serial RS-232 and RS-458, GPIO PINs, 4 ethernet ports WAN and LAN, celular and WiFi interfaces.

Cost effective

All round high performance router with a cost effective price.

Easy Set-Up

DIN-Rail included

Multiple range power supply

The device has an input voltage range 9 to 48 VDC


Imber Series is the perfect solution for difficult scenarios that requires specific communication interfaces.


The needs of industrial environments, can be quite different from typical office or home network environments, some of the challenges that industrial routers need to face are related with the harsh environments, like extended range of temperature or humidity protection, also compatibility, which defines the capacity of having several comunitacion interfaces and protocols to ensure the data transmission between all the parts involved in the grid, remote management to be easily manageable from a central location or the cost, that needs provide value for money by being highly reliable, secure, and easy to manage.

Key Features

1 x WAN + 3 x LAN or 4 x LAN

Auto 10/100 Mbps to stablize multiple LAN and WAN comunications.

2 x SIM slots

2 x SIM slots 1.8V / 3V.

SIM failover backup in auto-switch cases as weak signal data or connection fail.

Serial Port 1 x RS-232 (3 PIN) + 1 x RS-485

Serial comunications in RS-232 and RS-485 procotols using 4 PIN of the terminal block (included with the device).


User friendly monitoring and management thu web GUI.

DIN-rail mounting

Standard mouting for industrial installations.

4G(LTE) Bands


EMEA: B1/B3/B5/B7/B8/B20, B38/B40/B41

AU&NZ: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B7/B28, B40

America: B2/B4/B12/B13

WCDMA: B1/B2/B4/B5/B8/B19



WiFi IEEE 802.11b/g/n Access Point (AP) Client

Access point (AP) and client modes.

Wireless Security WPA WPA2 WEP 64/128 AES TKIP.

RP-SMA antenna connectors.

Digital Input and Output 2 x DI + 2 x DO

GPIO digital input & outputs using the other 4 PIN of the terminal block.


Ingress protection IP30 for industrial enviroments built in 300g metal housing.

Extended temperature range

Operating Temperature -40 °C to 75 °C

Do you want to know more?

Download the product datasheet in PDF format. Always have access to the product characteristics, whether you are online or not. All the information stored in an easy to read 4-page format.

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