It is no secret that in the near future, Artificial Intelligence will be implemented in most technological devices. This is because Artificial Intelligence algorithms allow to predict and make decisions with a human-like reasoning for very specific tasks, reducing considerably the error and time used, and, therefore, greatly increasing the efficiency of the system which it implements. There is a...
Even more changes in 2020? SD-WAN?
With just a glimpse of how the telecommunications and in particular the networking market has developed over the last year, it can undoubtedly be seen that a snowball effect is occurring as the markets and the technology within these markets are rolling and becoming larger and larger. So, the predictions are that 2020 will be a year of yet more change as SD-WAN. It was only a few years back...
What does 2019 hold for us?
2018 has shown us (Teldat) that many of the predictions made at the beginning of last year by relevant consultants and market analysts related to Cloud technology, SD-WAN, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more, can be acknowledged today as correct predictions…. Indeed, we can also say that some predictions have been slightly slower than were expected and others have even gone beyond their...
2018 – Many milestones reached
Once again, we come to the end of another year in which Teldat has been able to reach many of the milestones that it had originally set itself. SD-WAN is now a total market and corporate reality. Not only have we had decisive projects in the SD-WAN area, but important market research companies have also positioned us as a leading provider in the global SD-WAN field - see this on our Home page....
Are you being or practicing as an engineer in Spain?
First of all, my apologies to our international readers for the local nature of this post. That said, you may still be interested in reading about how, in a nation associated with parties, holidays and the siesta, there are companies offering highly-skilled technical work to young people upon completion of their studies. And more importantly, to know what they think. Engineering (Royal Spanish...

Big movements in the sector
As I have done in previous years around this time, I would like to take this opportunity to summarize some of the most important issues we have encountered in 2017. This year is proving to be a very interesting year for the telecommunications sector. First of all, the arrival of IoT and 5G is moving ever closer. Operators are already setting up test zones in some countries/cities with the new 5G...