For many years, bus fleet operators have been able to offer basic internet services to their passengers, based on 3G or 4G communications and, probably, Wi-Fi 5 (IEEE 802.11 ac) which was released in 2014.By now, offering such services is not enough to make a fleet operator competitive. Instead, failing to provide even this level of connectivity would become a competitive setback. And these...
New technologies in healthcare
If there’s a sector that is at the fore of technology, it’s medicine, applying new techniques that allow us to improve our quality of life. In this blog post, I don’t want to focus on the latest technological advances, I want to focus on how new communications paradigms and new technologies, which are at our fingertips, can be used to improve healthcare. Communication technology; IoT and APPs...
IoT in cars and Smart Cities
One of the most talked about concepts in the technology industry today is the Internet of Things (or as it´s also known, IoT). Still in its infancy, the IoT phenomenon spans many áreas from everyday objects and the automotive sector, to its integration in cities giving rise to Smart Cities. In short, the Internet of Things is based on the interconnection of different objects by means of small...
On-board connectivity in police cars and emergency vehicles
By striving for greater efficiency, safety and mobility, real-time telecommunication systems are being developed that can be installed in police cars and emergency vehicles. The progress made in terms of connectivity between vehicles and different infrastructures will surely bring many advantages to this sector. Many of the smart connections we use in our everyday lives have already been...
2.0 Onboard Communications
Traditionally, the greatest limitations imposed on the field of onboard communications were directly related to the capacity of cellular networks; lack of coverage, insufficient bandwidth, etc. Fortunately, over the last few years, these drawbacks have been overcome and, through the use of state-of-the-art cellular technology, mobile broadband is now available. As a result, the latest onboard...
How reliable communications improve fleet operators financial statements (I): Reducing Costs
Nowadays, mobile data coverage is well extended providing increasing bandwidth to vehicle fleets. As a consequence, more and more applications and solutions based on real time communications are arising into this market providing multiple advantages directly related with the financial statements of fleet operators by reducing operational costs, improving revenue streams and cross selling...