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SDN for IT resellers and system integrators: The best for SMEs

Jul 10, 2020

IT resellers and system integrators for provide SMEs high added value to customers by designing specific SDN network architecturesIn recent years, SMEs have undertaken the costly process of digital transformation with a great deal of effort and without the muscle of large corporations. And in a market profoundly marked by technological disruption, they must now also face the ultimate test: the COVID-19 pandemic.

Faced with the current situation, business resilience involves continuing along the digitization path, but with new, different, more flexible and adaptable solutions to address specific business requirements.

Here is where the role of technological system integrators and distributors or IT resellers, and the services they offer to small and medium-sized companies (SME’s), becomes important. Especially when talking about the company network, where SDN resellers stand out thanks to the added value they can bring to SMEs.

Today we will discuss what SDN network solutions can do for resellers in the IT sector.

Network solution resellers for SMEs

The business model of IT resellers or distributors consists of ensuring that technology is adapted to the customer, and not the other way around. The technology is developed in a general way by the manufacturer, as it must solve a series of problems that can take an infinite number of nuances depending on the context of each specific business case.

Large companies have large IT departments, but small companies need technological partners to help them tailor solutions to the characteristics (unique, dynamic, unrepeatable) of the business.

The operation is also particularly important when it comes to providing a network architecture for the end user, since this is the heart of an SME’s entire technological infrastructure. Resellers bring great added value to SMEs when they design specific network architectures aligned to business needs.

But what technology creates the best-suited network architecture for each customer? As you might expect, the answer is SDN (Software Defined Network). So, what are the reasons for this? Let’s have a look!

What makes SDN networks the best option for IT reseller’s SME customers?

Gone is the time of relatively simple IP connections in small and medium-sized companies. SME systems have now become increasingly complex to respond to the new needs imposed by the market, and not implementing SaaS services (Software as a Service), cloud, etc., means giving the competition a competitive advantage – because you can be sure they are using them!

Consequently, SDN-based solutions are more aligned to the new challenges SMEs must face. Resellers who implement SDN in this type of business are putting their customer at the center of the system and giving them a technology that allows them to grow and adapt to abrupt changes in the market.

In addition to helping SMEs adapt to new economic scenarios and their needs, SDN-based solutions also have other advantages for resellers or IT system integrators.

Advantages of SDN networks for IT resellers

The following benefits have a direct impact on resellers offering SDN network solutions:

#1. Automated and centralized control of customer SDN networks

SDN solutions provide centralized management allowing resellers to program tasks, automatically connect new locations, or configure hundreds of devices simultaneously.

#2. Monitoring and early detection of network incidents in the SDN network

Centralized control allows SDN resellers to monitor their customers’ networks using alarm and message systems to rapidly detect incidents.

The early detection of incidents allows for a prompt, effective response, while minimizing the impact on the business.

#3. Remote assistance

One of the most effective ways to provide the customer with a quick response when problems are detected in the network is to do so remotely, without needing to send technical personnel to the company’s facilities unless necessary and minimizing their stay on site.

Remote assistance in SDN networks typically reduces response time, which implies savings for both end customer and reseller.

#4. Ample business opportunities for SDN resellers

Software-based solutions open a wide range of possibilities for resellers that integrate SDN, allowing them to develop new business models that will help their SME customers take better advantage of the opportunities offered by the market.

#5. Security easily configures by SDN resellers for SME’s

SDN allows designing network architectures that meet the highest security standards, including for remote connections, mobile employees, teleworkers needing to connect to the company network, etc.

In summary, SDN network solutions help resellers save on operating costs and create scalable technological infrastructures that allow them to grow with their clients.

Best of all, SDN network solutions are highly adaptable, so they offer great possibilities for both VAR (Value Added Resellers) companies and smaller IT distributors or those with smaller customer portfolios.

Teldat’s CNM SD-WAN is a cloud-based SDN solution incorporating all the functionalities needed to allow IT resellers to offer a network 100% tailored to the characteristics, dynamic market conditions and needs of each SME.


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