Redes&Telecom has published an interview, in its digital edition, with Teldat CEO Ignacio Villaseca. The interview primarily focused on our positioning in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for SD-WAN networks, in which we are ranked a leading international provider of this kind of solution. Describing this as a great achievement for a Spanish company, Ignacio talked about our long experience in professional networks and Teldat’s value proposition, underlining the fact that our SD-WAN solution is easy to gradually implement, which allows companies of any size to grow their network as needed.
Our CEO agreed with IDC’s forecast of strong growth for the SD-WAN market in Spain, stating that there are no barriers for large Spanish companies when it comes to adopting this technology but that perhaps, for small and medium-sized companies, “the advantages and characteristics of SD-WAN technology have not yet penetrated enough”.
Ignacio, who believes that the USA has been the first country to deploy SD-WAN, thinks Spain will be among the leading countries to adopt it. After identifying what in his opinion are the major benefits of this solution, he says that SD-WAN technology is already mature enough to be implemented, although there are lots of advances to come that will keep bringing benefits to companies of all sizes.
ANDICOM was a great showroom for Teldat
Teldat presented its most advanced technology in Smart Grid, Cybersecurity and SD-WAN with high added value at ANDICOM Colombia