We are currently in the midst of a quantum computing revolution that threatens to break all processing limits. When we apply these concepts to cybersecurity, we find potential quantum computing applications that can help us improve cybersecurity or crack it.
Quantum computing can become a means to break one of the pillars of cybersecurity over the years: RSA-based encryption. Thousands of companies rely on it, thinking their critical data travel the network safely (without someone stealing or modifying the information). However, with quantum computing, data encrypted using today’s technology may be stolen.
This blog post will cover some topical issues regarding of this matter “Quantum computing and cybersecurity”
What is quantum computing and what technological leap does it represent?
Quantum computing fundamentally transforms the way we process information. Based on the laws of quantum mechanics (such as superposition and entanglement), it allows qubits to exist in multiple states simultaneously. This is in stark contrast to what happens to traditional bits, which can only be in one state at a time (0 or 1).
When compared with classical computers, the ability to make parallel calculations means quantum computers can improve efficiency by many orders of magnitude. Problems that would take millions of years to solve could now be answered in a matter of hours or minutes. This not only speeds up scientific research, but creates new opportunities in fields like artificial intelligence, chemistry, and optimization. However, it also comes with challenges (particularly when it comes to cybersecurity). Its ability to crack existing encryption systems is a growing source of concern.
What is an attack related to quantum computing and cybersecurity?
Quantum cyberattacks are an emerging threat in the field of cybersecurity. One of the most worrying strategies is the “harvest now, decrypt later” model. It involves capturing and storing encrypted data now so that, in the near future, when quantum computers are advanced enough, they can be rapidly decrypted.
This strategy is particularly dangerous to confidential information or personal details that, despite being encrypted, may become vulnerable in a couple of years. Financial institutions, governments and companies are the potential targets of these attacks. This type of threat highlights the urgent need to develop and adopt cryptographic protocols that are quantum resistant, making sure sensitive information is kept safe (even from future technologies).
How do the current encryption protocols and techniques work?
Existing encryption protocols, like SSL, IPsec and RSA, are key to ensure digital communications are safe. These systems are based on how hard it is to solve complex math problems. For instance, RSA factors big prime numbers. As a result, trying to decrypt a message without the private key is almost impossible using classic technology.
SSL and IPsec, on the other hand, ensure the authenticity and confidentiality of transferred data. These techniques generate encryption keys only authorized parties can use to code and decode information. Their strength lies in the fact that it would take centuries for traditional algorithms to make the necessary calculations to decipher the keys.
Quantum computing puts these safety at risk, since it may be able to solve these problems in far less time.
Other encryption techniques
On top of the traditional systems, there are alternative encryption methods that offer different protection levels. Symmetric encryption, like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), uses the same coding and decoding key. It is fast and efficient, albeit less safe (risk of the key being compromised). Elliptic curve cryptography, ECC, is another technique that offers a high level of protection using small keys (making them less vulnerable to attacks).
Post-quantum schemes are being developed to protect data from future attacks. These systems use mathematical problems that, as far as we know, quantum algorithms cannot solve properly. Adopting and combining these techniques will be key in order to guarantee future safety.
Techniques to violate current encryption methods
Quantum computing introduces specific algorithms that are capable of cracking current encryption systems. Shor’s algorithm is amongst the best-known ones and is capable of factoring integers in polynomial time, effectively disabling RSA-based security. For its part, Grover’s algorithm could significantly reduce the time it takes to perform comprehensive searches in symmetric encryption systems (weakening their safety).
Although still theoretical, these techniques may become a reality as quantum computing progresses. This highlights how important it is to come up with and develop cryptographic algorithms that are quantum resistant, making sure confidential information remains safe (even against these threats).
Protecting ourselves against quantum computing
With the advance of quantum computing, strategies must be developed to mitigate its risk to cybersecurity. Post-quantum cryptography schemes are amongst the most promising initiatives. These algorithms have been designed to withstand quantum attacks and are already being reviewed by organizations such as NIST.
In addition, the implementation of quantum networks based on quantum key distribution (QKD) offers a radically new approach to guarantee confidentiality. Lastly, a progressive transition towards more robust systems and a better understanding of future threats will be essential to minimize the impact these technologies will have on digital safety.
Like any other topic related to cybersecurity, Teldat takes it very seriously. Our R&D departments have been working on quantum computing related to cybersecurity for some time. The goal is to stay on track and continuously improve our solutions.