CNM SD-WAN Suite is a solution platform based on SDN – software-defined networks, for IT Resellers and System Integrator to solve their SME clients’ new networking and communication requirements.
What advantages does it offer?
Fernando Rojo, VP for Teldat’s EMEA Sales Region, explains: “the CNM SD-WAN solution offers advantages both to the IT resellers and system integrator channel, as well as to the SME end customers. The digital transformation of SME companies represents a total change in their networks and communications needs. They have gone from a simpler IP environment to another with very varied elements that must be managed together; more user mobility, cloud SaaS solutions, greater bandwidth…. and to manage all this, CNM SD-WAN Solution is the perfect solution. ”
Moreover, CNM SD-WAN Solution provides the IT reseller and system integrator channel with a cloud platform to manage all the new needs of its SME clients. As Francisco Guerrero, VP for Teldat’s SDN business unit, goes onto explain, “CNM SD-WAN Solution is a new business model. It allows the channel to generate services with higher productivity, better security and a much faster support system. All this with the result of being able to increase the turnover of their companies, at the same time that their clients obtain an important added value that they will appreciate.”
What makes us different?
The CNM SD-WAN Solution has certain specific differentiators. A pay-as-you-grow system without initial licenses nor investments, it’s application-oriented and contains a “smart guidance” system.
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