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The Internet of Things – A blessing and a curse

Sep 21, 2015

iotBy now IP devices are already more than just a fancy hype. The Internet of Things (IoT) will connect about 5 billion terminals and devices this year, with a rising tendency – in 2020 about 25 billion intelligent objects are expected to be connected to the Internet, about three times more than the world’s current population.

For end users as well as for business clients, IP devices such as smart phones, remote control tools, cars, refrigerators or even sports bands offer many advantages and are part of everyday life and this seems to be only the beginning.

Where there is light, there is also a shadow

Nevertheless, the growing vertical and horizontal expansion of intelligent devices enables on the one hand many new very practical functions, but on the other hand the increasing information exchange results in more possibilities and easier access for cyber criminals.

Devices in companies for instance which are connected to the business IT or even to systems outside the company, present a completely new target for manipulation and spying. Moreover, the increasing networking via the Internet of Things cause the risk that what were previously separate networks, will be opened for IP-based applications making them more vulnerable for manipulation. Besides, companies supervise a part of their IT by video cameras which are usually also IP-based.

Moreover, the sheer quantity of the different components in the telecommunication infrastructure and networks represent a challenge for security. Status information of all these routers, switches, etc. have to be gathered and processed, for instance in order to distribute the network traffic in an intelligent manner. The IP communication becomes more vulnerable by the increasing networking and the risk for security grows extremely in companies.

A solution in sight?

Regardless whether it’s an end user or business client, they both have to cooperate in order to achieve the best possible security. It is not uncommon that firmware is updated far too late or not at all. This habit can cause serious problems for IP based devices, because new security gaps cannot be closed in time before the next attack.

Of course not only the user is responsible to make sure that all IP devices are up to date and thus well protected against attacks. The manufacturers are also required to find the best possible solution. IP devices within the network for example, can be protected by the gateway. Teldat as a manufacturer for telecommunication devices has committed itself to develop its products continually in order to meet all demands from its partners and customers. The Internet of Things has already affected our lives and will affect it even more in the future. It shows how important it is (and will be even more in the future) to deliver new code on time in order to close security gaps.

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