Oscar Oller

Oscar Oller

Oscar Oller de la Fuente is Cybersecurity business line manager at Teldat, within the cybersecurity business unit, which covers services and products dedicated to cybersecurity. Oscar has more than 14 years experience in cybersecurity positions such as technical pre-sales and cybersecurity department manager.
Cybersecurity for Industrial Environments

Cybersecurity for Industrial Environments

In recent years, industrial environments have undergone significant changes. Industry 4.0 has led to numerous advancements in production and operations, but it has been primarily defined by the emergence of new technologies that were previously absent. Automation and digitalization have created an Internet of Things - IoT ecosystem, where everything is interconnected and online. This new...

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NIS 2 – Cybersecurity-related legislation in 2024

NIS 2 – Cybersecurity-related legislation in 2024

Now that 2024 is about to end, let’s have a look at this year’s cybersecurity highlights. Changes in legislation like NIS 2 (both in countries and supranational bodies, like the EU) probably rank amongst the most important. All of these changes in legislation have been spurred by global cyber threats that can undermine a country’s democracy and financial stability. Attackers are still using...

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Exploring Security in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Universe

Exploring Security in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Universe

Most of us have likely encountered the term cryptocurrencies, yet not everyone is ready to engage in trading them. In today’s digital era, cryptocurrencies have disrupted the financial scene by providing a decentralized and secure alternative to traditional money. However, this new economic paradigm is not without its challenges and risks. The realms of cybersecurity and cryptocurrencies are...

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Security paradigm in remote sites

Security paradigm in remote sites

Today, the way we apply security within corporations has changed dramatically. In the past, we relied on private WAN access options and used star designs, implementing security measures by stacking functionalities in a centralized data center while ensuring geographically redundant backups. In many cases, these companies have numerous geographically dispersed locations, and enhancing control and...

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Main cybersecurity threats for SMEs – cyberattacks

Main cybersecurity threats for SMEs – cyberattacks

For the production fabric in general and for Spain in particular, SMEs play an important role. According to CEPYME (Spanish SMEs business organization), companies with 10 to 49 workers have had a very high employment generation rate in recent years and are now struggling to find qualified workers. CEPYME warns of around 100,000 unfilled vacancies, which together with other problems such as...

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Zero Trust Approach and Unified Cloud Security

Zero Trust Approach and Unified Cloud Security

Introduction In the new paradigm of the connected world, where everything and everyone has access to the Internet, having a totally secure network is difficult to imagine. Today we see how digitization is advancing rapidly, within education, health and government, offering more and more services and simplifying access to data and procedures, generating a high stress to cybersecurity teams. This...

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