Fernando Hernández

Fernando Hernández

Fernando Hernández Sánchez is a Computer Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) who works in the R&D department at Teldat. Within that department he is part of the Cloud Appliances group as a Software Engineer
High-speed Internet from space: The Starlink network

High-speed Internet from space: The Starlink network

Accessing the Internet from space is not new, with many companies (OneWeb, Space Norway, Telesat, etc.) now offering it. More recently, however, a new participant has emerged on the scene promising something different – Starlink. SpaceX’s plan is to create a network of 12,000 satellites that fly from 350 to 1160 km above our heads and provide fast Internet access using lasers. Each satellite...

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Space telecommunications: Deep Space Network

Space telecommunications: Deep Space Network

The 50th anniversary of man’s landing on the moon was celebrated roughly a year ago. But space adventure is not just about putting a man in space. The conquest of space has prompted human beings to devise missions that go beyond the confines of our own solar system. In order to be successful, all of them have combined the talent and work of engineers from different branches of engineering....

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LI-FI The New Wireless Technology

LI-FI The New Wireless Technology

Li-Fi is the latest technology to shake up the world of wireless communications. The term Li-Fi was coined by Harald Hass, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, and defines a high speed, low cost wireless communication system that uses light as a transmission medium. LiFi is a wireless communications system that uses light instead of radio waves (such as WiFi or Bluetooth), thereby...

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